Play Rummy Circle Game

Rummy Circle Game

Adhering to the traditional format of the game can prove quite boring after some time. Therefore, the experts in the company have come up with variants of the Rummy Circle Game. This helps to keep interested alive. It also helps to play each variant differently, thereby modifying the point and winning systems too. All the variants show up on the dashboard. Once the company confirms your membership at Rummy Circle, you may make your choices. Note that each variant of the game offers practice play, as well as play for cash rewards.

The Deals Game

Rummy Circle on mobile and computer

Here, the players must decide upon the exact number of deals, before they begin to play. The number could be two, three, four, six, etc. The reward for each deal is in the form of chips. Each player obtains a specific number of chips. All the chips go to the winner, after each deal. The maximum number of points available is 80.

When all the pre-decided number of deals ends, the person possessing the maximum amount of chips is the winner of the game. Rummy Circle takes away just a small amount of the winnings as fees. The rest goes to the winner. 

The Points Game

Options for the Rummy Circle Game

Similar to the Deals game, the Points game also caps the points at 80. It makes no difference even if a player is holding cards of higher value. There is no stretching of this pre-decided value. 

Before starting the game, players come to a consensus on awarding rupee value to each point. Therefore, the person winning the game obtains a healthy reward. The winnings take the total of all the points that the losers have accumulated, as well as the rupee value of each point. The company retains only the Rummy Circle fees from the total amount.

This game is a modification of the 13 cards Indian rummy, where points are of supreme importance. Therefore, Points Rummy is extremely popular. Players gain a thrill out of playing this fast game!

The Pool Game

It aims at a recreation of the local club, wherein several players gather around a table and play. The format is the same online, except that only six players can come on stage at a time. 

Pool rummy also derives its inspiration from the 13-card game. The winnings comprise the entry fees that each player hands over before playing. Of course, the company takes its share too. However, the amount is reasonable. 

There is a limit to the number of points allotted to each player. As soon as he/she reaches that limit, he/she will have to walk away.

The Raise Game

Your group may opt to enhance the value of points at certain intervals. This way, you enhance the challenge of winning too!

True, the Rummy Circle website offers play-for-cash games 24 x 7. However, you would be wise to opt for some practice games first, before attempting to enter tournaments. Note that you must be confident of winning, to fill your pockets!